Creating Growth and Sustainability

Your organization is a complex system of programs and services, revenue and expense, costs and rates, relationships and resources.  These interact in dynamic ways and should form the base of a stable and secure operation.

Sometimes an organization needs to grow quickly to achieve a level of stability.  Sometimes an organization requires a period of less vigorous growth with more focused attention on strengthening systems.

There are several options for support that are specifically aimed at strengthening the business aspect of an organization.  The most comprehensive approach for reviewing and developing the business system is a business plan, which includes thorough analysis of the current operation, setting meaningful goals, designing the steps to accomplish those goals, and putting in place the tools to monitor progress.

A marketing plan focuses specifically on the process and systems that are used to attract, invite, and incorporate persons into the ministry.  A viability study reviews all of the aspects of the ministry that contribute to or detract from long term sustainability, identifies the conditions under which viability is likely, and develops a course of action to fulfill those conditions.

Nonprofit Business Planning

While it may be an unfamiliar term, all nonprofits need a business plan!  A business plan lays out all of the critical elements of a sustainable operation including programs and services, marketing costs and rates, Read More

Data-based Marketing

You want to serve more people There are many definitions of marketing, but we think of marketing as everything you do to invite persons to participate in your mission!  More precisely, it is the systematic and Read More

Viability Study

  A viability study provides an assessment of current and recent programs with an eye to program models, as well as the goals and outcomes.  Current and recent services and amenities are reviewed.  Marketing strategies Read More